
“This paper describes the risk of mutation and sexual trauma and infertility in masculine sexual cell by mobile phone radiations.”

“We investigated the risks that result from the waves, according to a report by International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), to every organ of the body is defined by the beam and electromagnetic radiation from this electronic device on people”

“The results of this study and International Commission of Non Ionization Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) reports showed the people who spend more than 50 minutes a day using a cell phone could have early dementia or other thermal damage due to the burning of glucose in the brain.”

“Many people are not aware of the harmful effects of radiofrequency waves (RF) and their role in cancer and other serious risks. Scientific evidence suggests that cancer is not only linked to mobile phone radiation and that other factors also may be involved in its development. Most mobile operators use from radiofrequency waves in the range up 300 MHz to 3 GHz that can be harmful for human health”

“Mobile phones emit RF waves even when they are in standby mode”

“Electric and magnetic fields can be produced by carrying of electric current at any wiring or equipment, such as overhead or underground power lines, home wiring, medical equipment, and electronic devices”

“Numerous epidemiological studies, the association between public and occupational exposure, particularly exposure to ELF fields and the risk of Cancer, including leukemia, brain tumors and breast cancer has shown”

“RF energy can penetrate into the brain in the area of the bone in place leaves. Hypotension, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, loss of memory, etc. (12). There is also the
direct effects of long-term cancer risk.”

In general, considering that mental and psychological effects of these fields has been reported in small quantities, In order to control the possible harmful effects RF fields as possible from exposure.

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